It Is A Wonderful World

Good morning my dear, isn’t it just the best thing when summer surprises us like this and the sun shines her pretty face at us all day long?  The parks of London are filled with people having picnics and dogs running around, bursting of summer happiness – this, if anything, is bliss!

Forget me not in a Surrey garden

Forget-Me-Not – my favourite flower, in a Surrey garden

And this is why I felt like today’s post would be an inspirational one.  I want to share with you some photos that have been inspiring me this week, whether it comes to blogging, putting together an outfit for the day, learning more about specific antiques or dreaming away to the next far away holiday…

Apple tree blossoms, Surrey countryside

Apple tree blossoms

… and with all the recent trips to South Africa these little fellas obviously wanted to get involved:

South African beach, Boulders, Penguins

I just love how this sweet little guy takes his time before he goes for a swim… of course with all the others cheering him on from the warm rocks!

Mosaic steps in South Africa

Continuing the walk in South Africa – is there anything better than really beautiful architecture?  Here some mosaic steps in Cape Town

Silver at the Jewel Tree in Cape Town, South Africa

… not to mention the stunning collection at the Jewel Tree in Cape Town, which always inspires me to learn more about antiques

I would love to find out what inspires you.  Sometimes it is things that we take for granted so stop for a moment and have a think about it.  It could be a walk in the park or some beautiful colours… and do feel free to share your thoughts with us below!