Sixties Inspiration

You guys!!!  I have been watching Mad Men a lot lately (and yes I know, I am about 7 years behind, but I am here now!) and getting so inspired by the amazing fashion on the set!  As I was rummaging through my wardrobe, trying to find something fun to wear to the antique shop yesterday, I came across a favourite from Vintage Shrewd (and PLEASE do bear with me as the below is such a typical blogger selfie-shot!)

1960s baby blue shift dress from Vintage Shrewd

In my beloved 1960s shift dress from Vintage Shrewd!

Isn’t it just wonderful how they incorporate the fashion of the time so well into all these series?  Downton Abbey obviously being a favourite with the stunning Roaring Twenties in style – and in Mad Men the sixties with its structured dresses, fabulous hats, gloves, hairdos and shoes shoes shoes!

1960s baby blue shift dress from Vintage Shrewd

I just LOVE the high collars that were so prominent in the 60s – the only problem is that can’t successfully model any antique necklaces at work!  

The first part of the sixties resembled the fifties in style, with conservative and ladylike designs.  I love the transitional time between the 50s and the 60s, as designs gave ladies of all sizes and shapes something flattering to wear, be it a shift dress à la Jackie Kennedy or a figure hugging wasp waist-dress in the spirit of Marilyn Monroe!  I will have to research this era a little bit more to give you a full post on the style so for now I will also just show you the jacket that I decided to wear with my dress:

60s a-line style jacket

A-line jacket, very much inspired by the sixties

I picked this jacket up in Cape Town earlier this year, and absolutely just love the collar with that big, brass button!  I wanted to share this look with you because it made me feel so incredibly well-dressed and proper!  I ended up going out for a drink in the evening and put on a pair of vintage looking heels and also my grandmother’s clutch from the sixties, which just perfected the look.

I don’t usually wear vintage top to toe, as I like mixing things up a bit to create my own style and look, but this was definitely more vintage than what I usually do – topping it off with the subtle bouffant hairstyle and feline flick eyeliner..!  I think that I will be promoting more of these ‘done up’ styles from now on, as it really put a silver lining on my day.  I would love to hear about your favourite style, or how you make an outfit feel a bit more special?