Annie Vintage on Portobello Road

The other week I popped by Portobello Market, as I had heard of a fabulous vintage jewellery shop called Annie Vintage:

Vintage bracelets at Annie Vintage on Portobello Road

Vintage bracelets at Annie Vintage on Portobello Road

Annie’s collection is perfect for those of you who adore Serena van der Woodsen’s style in Gossip Girl.  There is an abundance of statement jewellery, gold coloured chains and lots of colourful stones that would go so well with a pair of skinny jeans, a nice white blouse or t-shirt and some killer heels – or a pair of boots once autumn is here again.

Vintage pendants at Annie Vintage on Portobello Road

Vintage cameo pendants – love the beautifully designed dancers.  As always with vintage jewellery a lot of thought and time have gone into creating the pieces

Vintage necklaces at Annie Vintage on Portobello Road

Stunning vintage necklaces

I just love this necklace, it makes me think of Audrey Hepburn with her wonderful sense of style.  It would add just the right kind of glamour and style to an office outfit so I would wear it with a white blouse and a black pencil skirt, or with a little black dress.

Vintage necklaces at Annie Vintage on Portobello Road

Extraordinary vintage necklace

Vintage necklaces at Annie Vintage on Portobello Road

Vintage necklaces and bracelets

These chunky pieces are the perfect addition to for example a simple black maxi dress.  I usually wear one piece of jewellery and keep the rest quite simple.  So with a vintage pearl necklace I would wear a small pair of pearl earrings.  If my earrings are quite prominent then I might wear an eye-catching ring, but I would tone down (or most likely skip) the necklace.  I was told the other day that this is how the French ladies do it, and we know how impeccable their sense of style is, so if you follow this philosophy you just can’t get it wrong!

Vintage necklaces at Annie Vintage on Portobello Road

Vintage earrings of all styles and colours 

Oh it is just amazing being able to rummage through these boxes of vintage earrings.  I am a huge fan of pearl earrings and I can already see a few that I would like to take home.

Vintage jewellery at Annie Vintage on Portobello Road

Vintage bracelets with the most intricate designs

Annie Vintage by the Chelsea Gallery on Portobello Market

Annie Vintage by ch Chelsea Gallery on Portobello Market

You can find Annie Vintage on 69 Portobello Road, so do head over there on Saturday to perfect your vintage jewellery collection!

Saturday street performers on Portobello Road

Saturday street performers on Portobello Road