Mid-Victorian French Jet necklace in Cape Town

Good morning my dear, and what a beautiful morning it is here in London!  On my run along the Thames I couldn’t help but stop to admire the haze that lay so beautifully over the river.  The picture was perfected by four Canada geese flying so peacefully in formation, just a meter above the water surface toward the sunrise.  I hope you are able to take a few moments out of your busy day to take in little details like these around you, that can otherwise so easily slip us by.

Hazy London morning, the river Thames

Hazy London morning by the Thames

Now one of my favourite things with the blog is seeing the fabulous pieces from the Decades of Elegance-collection that have found new homes, being worn by their new owners!  You might remember the mid-Victorian French jet necklace whose acquaintance we made a few years ago here on the blog?  Well, it has belonged to my dear mama for quite some time now and she was wearing it around Cape Town, which I just couldn’t wait to share with you:

mid-Victorian French Jet necklace, Kalk Bay, Cape Town

A young seal admiring the mid-Victorian French Jet necklace 

I have already posted a few photos on Instagram of the entertaining seal family in Kalk Bay – they put on quite the show when the fishing boats come in to offload their catch!  In the photo above you can see how one of them is very curious about our little photo shoot, and he kept swimming around and doing little tricks for us.

mid-Victorian French Jet necklace, Kalk Bay, Cape Town

A black necklace is so versatile as it matches more or less everything in your wardrobe.  I love the combination of blue, white and black here.

mid-Victorian French Jet necklace, Kalk Bay, Cape Town

mid-Victorian French Jet necklace, Kalk Bay, Cape Town

So all of you lovely ladies who have a piece of Decades of Elegance at home: do send me a photo and I will post it here for the rest of the world to see!  Happy Friday my sweets, hope you have a wonderful weekend!