Day 2 of the Brooch Wearing Challenge – Vintage Chanel Brooch

Our first contribution to February’s Brooch Wearing Challenge has arrived in the Decades of Elegance inbox!

Vintage Chanel Brooch, Red Lips, Marilyn Monroe style

A vintage Chanel brooch worn with a white shirt and red lips – and we adore!

It comes to us in the shape of a glorious vintage Chanel brooch, and is modelled by the lovely Lady N who you might remember from the blog post: The 1920s sparkling bracelet that started it all…

Vintage Chanel Brooch, Red Lips, Marilyn Monroe style

Red lips are just the most fabulous way of adding a touch of class to your look

I just love the style: for blondies red lips are ALWAYS a good idea!  And coupled with the Chanel brooch it looks even more fabulous, as this is how the starlets would accessorise their outfits back in the golden days of Hollywood.  The pink blouse, red lips and the brooch below made me immediately think of Marilyn Monroe in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, such a classic style that would take you from a day in the office to a cocktail party in the evening!

Vintage Chanel Brooch, Red Lips, Marilyn Monroe style

Vintage Chanel brooch and a pink blouse – doesn’t this immediately make you think of Marilyn Monroe in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes?

I am starting to get some wonderful inspiration for a party next week..!  But I can’t decide whether I love her white or the pink outfit more – which one is your favourite dear?