An English pearl necklace finds a home in Dubai

Freshwater pearl necklace, floating pearls, Christique Antique

Floating pearl necklace from Christique and freshwater pearl earrings from Pop Up Vintage Fairs

I bought this freshwater pearl necklace from our favourite Christique Antique Centre in Dorking as a belated birthday present for a friend who now lives in sunny Dubai.  I decided to match the necklace with some earrings and found these lovely pearls at Pop Up Vintage Fairs, at Spitalfields Market.  You really can’t go wrong with pearls as a present, as it is my firm belief that every girl needs a good collection of pearl jewellery!

Freshwater pearl necklace, floating pearls, floating pearl necklace

The gleam of the pearls is highlighted by her lovely blonde hair and tan 

I was so delighted that they suited her so well, and I am only slightly jealous that she has been wearing them whilst sipping on cocktails here:

Burj Al Arab, Dubai Building, Seven Stars, Seven Star Hotel, 7 Stars

Burj Al Arab, Dubai’s seven star hotel

… and here:

The Dubai Fountains

View over the Dubai Fountains – a must when you visit Dubai!

So tell me, what is your favourite piece of pearl jewellery in your own collection?  Maybe an antique necklace, or some classic white pearl that you wear almost every day?