Decades of Elegance November Holiday!

White travel jewellery box with compartments

White travel jewellery box with compartments

Hello my dearest, I am just packing my little travel jewellery box as I am off on holiday all of next week and will be back again on 17th November!  I am very much looking forward to seeing you after that, and until we meet again, remember to wear your most fabulous pieces of jewellery – even just for work or school, to give the day that lovely little gilt edge that you so well deserve!

A beautiful Prasiolite ring

Sooooo sometimes when I visit an antique market I see a piece that I fall in love with and then I somehow rationalise with myself that I shouldn’t buy it – only to deeply regret it when I come home.  This is what happened on Sunday with this stunner:

Green Amethyst or Green Quartz Ring

Prasiolite ring, also known as Green Quartz

The lady who was selling it told me that it was a Green Amethyst, which I had never heard of before, so I did some research and it appears that Green Amethyst is sometimes the name mistakenly used for Green Quartz or Prasiolite – it is also sometimes called Vermarine or Lime Citrine.  I can however understand why people make this mistake, as Prasiolite occurs when an amethyst or citrine (both coloured varieties of quartz) undergoes a selective heat treatment in the presence of iron, that transforms the quartz into a cool leek or celadon green.  However, it is apparently against Federal Trade Commission Guidelines to call a Prasiolite a Green Amethyst, so we better keep that in mind!

Prasiolite or Green Quartz Ring

Such a beautiful design

It seems that a Prasiolite is a very spiritual stone and it is used for a number of wonderful things, such as clearing negativity, fostering compassion, self-acceptance and self-honor, igniting love and compassion in one’s heart, strengthening the emotions, the mind and the will, and bringing good fortune and luck (1).  Now who wouldn’t want to wear a piece that that does so many good things?!

I suspect that I fell in love with this ring because it reminds me of Scandinavian design: clean lines and such a beautifully transparent yet striking colour.  I believe that it is a modern design, but sometimes those show up at these antique fairs as well.  So if anyone of you lovelies would like to buy it do let me know, and I will do my best to find the seller when she returns in a month’s time (if she hasn’t yet sold it!).  I would need to check that it actually is a Prasiolite and that the mount is silver, but if all is correct then it is yours for £50.


(1)  Crystal Cur

‘Blog of the Month’ in the ‘Make and Sell Jewellery’ magazine

Decades of Elegance, Blog of the Month in the Make and Sell Jewellery magazine

We are so proud to be Blog of the Month in the Make and Sell Jewellery magazine

We are just so happy to have been made ‘Blog of the Month’ in the magazine Make & Sell Jewellery!  This is their June 2014 issue, number 62 and it can be found in Waitrose, WH Smith, Sainsbury’s, Tesco, Morrisons and Asda.

Make and Sell Jewellery is so lovely as it is really aimed at everyone – from beginners to pros.  I started looking through it and to my delighted I soon realised that it was bursting with tips on everything you can ever imagine when it comes to making and selling jewellery.  You will find out how to make jewellery, what products to use to achieve professional jewellery results (for ex. where to buy freshwater pearls in stock and where to get a jewellery making qualification), where they offer workshops, how to do market research to improve your jewellery brand etc. etc.

This magazine is an absolute must for anyone in the jewellery trade – I now have so many wonderful ideas on improvements at my end!

Make and Sell Jewellery magazine

How much do we love our statement necklaces… and here we will learn how to make our own!

I was drawn to an article giving advice on how to organise a successful jewellery party – something that I have been thinking of for a very long time but never managed to get around to.  Is this something that you guys would be interested in when it comes to Decades of Elegance?  If you leave a comment below I promise to give it some further thought!  

Have a lovely Monday my dear and I will see you again on Wednesday, when we are popping over to a gold souk in Dubai to see what one of those look like!