1960s glamour from Vintage Shrewd

There are a few women in history whose sense of style influenced the whole world around them to the degree that when we today see a specific style of outfit, our thoughts are immediately drawn to that person.  Well, I immediately thought of a beautiful lady on Saturday, when I popped by Vintage Shrewd and saw this beautiful wool skirt and matching suit jacket.  Yep, Jackie O was my first thought:

Chanel-style 1960's dress and  suit jacket

Chanel-style 1960’s dress and suit jacket at Vintage Shrewd

Jacqueline Bouvier was a mere 24 years old when she married John F. Kennedy, yet she already presented a sophisticated style and taste.  She had a love for classic, tailored suits and ladylike dresses in strong, solid colours and very much influenced the style of the ladies in the sixties.

This dress and jacket are indeed from the 60s, and this what I just love about vintage shops: you find the most stunning pieces for no money at all, as this little combo is yours for just £75 ..!  I also that the high street chains are just getting ridiculously expensive now (a dress for £150 – it is so not reasonable!) so all the more reason to turn to vintage, where you can get pieces that will last another few decades for a fraction of the price!

Chanel-style 1960's dress and  suit jacket

A close up of this beautiful, soft pink suit jacket

Can you imagine wearing this with a fabulous handbag and some heels to work?  I didn’t buy it as I had to hurry to another appointment, but I am really having second thoughts about it.  It would be the perfect outfit for a day at work in the antique shop!

Vintage Shrewd, vintage clothing shop in Dorking, Surrey

Some more treasures in the Shrewd-window…

Vintage Shrewd, vintage clothing shop in Dorking, Surrey

and a few more pieces in a heavenly blue-colour scheme

And above are two more sneak peeks into the current Shrewd collection… as the days are suddenly getting a bit chillier these autumny-coloured ensembles looked very appealing to me!