The beautiful coastline of Cape Agulhas, South Africa

So a few of you have asked for more photos from South Africa, and I thought that today would be the perfect time to pop by the beautiful Cape Agulhas, where an antique lighthouse is one of the main attractions:

Lighthouse at Cape Agulhas, southernmost point of Africa

The Lighthouse at Cape Agulhas –  the southernmost point of Africa

It is easy to believe that Cape Point is the southernmost point of Africa, but this title is in fact held by Cape Agulhas – approximately a three hour drive from Cape Town.  Agulhas presents us with jagged coast lines where many ships have met the end of their journey, as well as the most beautiful views of the Indian Ocean meeting the Atlantic Ocean.  The lighthouse above was built in 1848 and is now the second oldest working lighthouse in South Africa.  These days it houses the lighthouse museum and a restaurant.

Shipwreck at Cape Agulhas

One of the shipwrecks at Cape Agulhas

The coast of Agulhas is quite the shipwreck graveyard on the website Safarinow I found a few of them listed:  The Arniston (1815), Cooranga (1964), Elise (1879), European (1877), Federal Lakes (1975), Geortyrder (1849), Gouritz (1981), and Gwendola (1968).

Cape Agulhas beautiful views of the ocean

The beautiful views of a few white houses against the ocean at Cape Agulhas

I just loved how peacefully these white houses stood against all the different shades of blue.  If you decide to visit this glorious place, you will have a wonderful time collecting shells and stones in all shapes imaginable along the shoreline.

Cape Agulhas sunset

Cape Agulhas sunset

The evenings of our stay greeted us with the most stunning sunsets.