Golden vintage hues

Hello my lovely, I have finally stumbled across an internet connection here in beautiful Cape Town, which is wonderful news indeed as I have been wanting to share the third post in our golden vintage hue-series with you.  The first and second ones you can find here:  Messy Side Ponytail with a Vintage Pearl Brooch and Bumped Up Hairstyle with Loose Waves.

White and golden vintage cocktail dress from Vintage Shrewd in Dorking

White and golden vintage cocktail dress from Vintage Shrewd in Dorking

So it is my turn to feature in this post as I was wearing this white and golden vintage dress with some interwoven silver strands from our favourite shop Vintage Shrewd in Dorking.  The above is a behind-the-scenes-photo where my dear sister is sorting something out on my dress for the shot.

White and golden vintage cocktail dress from Vintage Shrewd in Dorking

I just love the sweet buttons at the front, and the subtle colours on the dress make it so versatile.  It cost me close to nothing in the Vintage Shrewd sale by the way, so make sure you go and get some fabulous finds of your own in the next sale!!

You might remember that I found this dress last summer at Shrewd, but it was a million sizes too big so Liz the Seamstress worked her wonders on it and made it just perfect!  I thought it would be a fabulous choice for our afternoon tea, and I paired it up with some sparkling ballerinas and a pair of vintage-style pearl earrings as you can see above.

Vintage dress from Shrewd, Topshop second hand dress and a vintage brooch and 1920s style sparkling earrings

I am wearing a vintage dress from Shrewd, my sister is in a second-hand Topshop dress with a vintage brooch in her hair, and Lady L can be seen wearing her 1920s style sparkling earrings from the Decades of Elegance-collection.

And you know that I very rarely put photos up here on the blog where you can see people’s faces, but the photo above captured the spirit of the day so well with all the vintage pieces, so I couldn’t help but include it!

Alright, a review of the famous Afternoon Tea is indeed coming up shortly, so keep watching this spot my dear!