Tidningen Swing / The Magazine Swing

Today’s post is mostly aimed at our Swedish speaking readers, since this lovely magazine Swing is written in Swedish.  If you English speaking ladies and gents find it interesting maybe we can convince them to create an English version as well!

At Vintagemässan, the Vintage Fair in Stockholm on Sunday, I met a lovely lady in full vintage gear who presented this exciting new vintage inspired magazine to me: Swing.

Tidningen Swing, 1920tals håruppsättning, 1920s hairdo

Vintage hairstyle inspiration in Swing

I started reading it on the flight home and couldn’t put it down!  It is aimed at swing dancers as well as the culture around it, and you will get to read about the history of dance, interviews with people involved in the swing world etc. etc.

Frankie Manning and his son Chazz Young during a performance

Frankie Manning and his son Chazz Young during a performance – from an interview with Chazz Young

In issue nr 4 which I managed to get my hands on there is a fascinating interview with Chazz Young, the son of legendary Frankie Manning who was by many seen as one of the founding fathers of the Lindy Hop.  If you are just as clueless as I was when it comes to lindy hop, I would recommend that you do a quick search on Youtube; it is a style of dancing that I am sure you will recognise, and the moves are just incredible!

All you Swedish speaking sweethearts, do pop by Tidningen Swing’s website to find out a bit more!