Welcome 2015!


Hello my dearest, I hope you had a wonderful holiday season!  I sure did, with a proper winter and -11 degrees in Sweden, a fabulous New Year celebration, and such a lovely 2015 to look forward to.  So many people seem to have had a bit of a questionable 2014, so the spirits for this new year are raised!

Just to get us started – there is a Frock Me! Vintage Fashion Fair coming up at Chelsea Old Town Hall on 1 February.  The advance tickets are a mere £4 so definitely something to take a closer look at.

Catherine Southon Auction 19th November 2014

From the Catherine Southon Auction on 19th November 2014

The next Catherine Southon Auction (you might remember her from the previous post Catherine Southon – Auction coming up on 19th November 2014) will be 25th March – and it will be attended by BBC Bargain Hunt!

The Third Imperial Fabergé Easter Egg at Wartski in Mayfair

The Third Imperial Fabergé Easter Egg at Wartski in Mayfair

Wartski (we visited them in the blog post Found! The Third Imperial Fabergé Easter Egg) will be celebrating their 150th anniversary and Geoffrey Munn’s book on the history of Wartski will be published in May.

And as for Decades of Elegance – I will keep bringing you the most beautiful pieces of antique jewellery that London, Sweden and South Africa have to offer!  I will also keep inspiring you with lovely vintage finds – everything from handbags to dresses!  And if there is anything that you would like to share with us here on the blog, please feel free to send a photo to me on:


… and I will share it with all the other lovely readers here!