A December Vitamin Boost Post

Vredenheim Wildlife and Winery, Cape Town, South Africa

The beautiful Manor House from 1789 at Vredenheim Wildlife and Winery, Cape Town

Good evening my lovely, I hope you have had a really nice day!  I have been looking through my photos today as I wanted to bring you a really interesting post, but instead of getting my heart set on certain pieces of jewellery, some very different pictures drew me to them:

View of the False Bay coast in South Africa

False Bay 

Penguins at Boulders Beach in Cape Town

Penguins at Boulders Beach in Cape Town

Penguins at Boulders Beach in Cape Town

The guy on the left was too cool for school – he decided to take a nap!

Boulders Beach, Cape Town

These wonderful little creatures reside in Boulders Beach and to stray along the beach, to look for some fun, new places to hang out

Penguins at Boulders Beach in Cape Town

Heeey, ‘sup guys?  Think I’m gonna go for a dive!

Chapmans Peak Drive, South Africa

Chapmans Peak Drive, South Africa

When you do go to South Africa and Cape Town, you must take the drive up Chapman’s Peak – the views are just incredible, as you can see above!

Orange Irises at Vredenheim, Cape Town, South Africa

Orange Irises at Vredenheim, Cape Town

Red Rose at Vredenheim in Cape Town, South Africa

Red Rose at Vredenheim in Cape Town, South Africa

And then there was of course the beautiful flora at Vredenheim Wildlife and Winery.

I hope this has brought you a bit of happiness and joy on such a midwinter’s day!  I feel that I need to look at beautiful summer photos from time to time to remind myself of what I have to look forward to in just a few months!  And all you lucky South Africans who are in the middle of your glorious summer – enjoy!!!