Michelle Lindsell Wedding Photographer in a Midwinter Night’s Tale

I had the privilege to work with creative wedding photographer Michelle Lindsell the other day and I have so been looking forward to bringing you her beautiful work:

Iida Heikkinen Midvinternatt Michelle Lindsell Photography

Michelle Lindsell Photography for my album Midvinternatt

We worked together on my Christmas album Midvinternatt.  Midvinternatt means Midwinter’s Night in Swedish, and for the photo shoot I decided to wear my very favourite vintage midnight blue dress from Vintage Shrewd.  It was an absolute joy to work with Michelle – she gave me such brilliant instructions on what to think about to get a certain sentiment in the photo and how to stand to bring out the best in the dress – very important!  I also love how she was able to pick a clearing in the forest in Barnes, London, that turned out to be the perfect backdrop to the photos!

Michelle is first and foremost a creative wedding photographer and having known her for many years I can only vouch for what a romantic she is, and how perfectly she has found her calling in life, eternalising people’s most romantic moments!  You will see in her photos that she has a way of capturing the stillness and love during a couples’ wedding day – a day that is so often characterised by excitement and buzz.

I also love how she captures and presents the fun and joyful moments, to that make you feel as though you were present at the very second that the photo was taken:

So to all you lovely brides-to-be who are looking for a wedding photographer; take a look on Michelle’s website and see if she might in fact be your dream catcher.

And if you are curious to take a closer look at my Christmas album, you can find it on iTunes: Iida – Midvinternatt,  There are five tracks on it; a bit of Christmas love from Finland, some from Sweden and a few beloved songs that you might recognise.  Merry Christmas dear!