Ica Bergqvist Vintage at Vintagemässan

Vintagemässan Bakåt Framåt in Stockholm 2014

People watching at vintage fairs is the best, as so many ladies and gents will make a real effort to get dressed up in the most period accurate outfits – and this one was no exception!  This gorgeous young lady was dressed to the nines in 1940s gear and rocked the look!

Hello my lovely, as mentioned last week I am having a few quite busy weeks at the moment, which is why our blog posts are so few and far in between!  I was just looking through photos from Vintagemässan in Stockholm last April (I can’t believe that it has been a year!) and realised that I had missed out on telling you about one fabulous shop that had their things on display there: Ica Bergqvist.

Ica Bergqvist at Vintagemässan in Stockholm 2014

This is such a glorious necklace!!!  I love how summery it is and I think that I would wear it with a little white shift dress

Ica Bergqvist at Vintagemässan in Stockholm 2014

Such sweet daisies – the perfect necklace for a summer party

It is time to start thinking about our summer wardrobes (this is usually my philosophy in February when the sun comes out for the first time in three months, but at least now it is April!) and the photos above of this beautiful Daisy necklace are getting me so inspired to go for a sweet and flowery style this year!  The fabulous statement necklace gets a nice contrast from the more structured yellow 1950s dress and Chanel-style handbag.

Ica Bergqvist at Vintagemässan in Stockholm 2014

“Handmade jewellery by Elenor Bergqvist”

Ica Bergqvist at Vintagemässan in Stockholm 2014

A lovely little golden angel playing his instrument for us, among all this beautiful jewellery! 

Ica Bergqvist at Vintagemässan in Stockholm 2014

Vintage jewellery treasure hunting, always a favourite!

Ica Bergqvist at Vintagemässan in Stockholm 2014

A collection of gold and brass necklaces – definitely a style that has stood the test of time  

I love visiting vintage fairs with friends because they will inevitably look at things that I wouldn’t have thought of looking at.  This time around I went with my sister, who was looking for a new handbag and so she ended up trying quite a few – and I managed to get a few photos of one of her favourites:

Ica Bergqvist at Vintagemässan in Stockholm 2014

My sister was looking for a vintage handbag at the time, so I snuck a few paparazzi shots of her checking one out

Ica Bergqvist at Vintagemässan in Stockholm 2014

Love the buckle!  I am quite content with my handbag collection at the moment, with a nice mix of vintage bags from grandma and my great aunt, a few beloved Mulberry bags and a glorious teal coloured leather bag that I bought in Italy a couple of years ago.  But then again, a girl can never have too many handbags…