Porcelain Bells for Christmas

I belong to that group of people who cannot wait for Christmas to come around!  It is such a wonderful and happy season when we get to fill our homes with lights and good food, family and friends – best time of the year!  Around this time of year I also tend to zoom in on all the pretty decorations that start popping up in all the shops, and even though it was springtime in South Africa when I was there in October, I was immediately drawn to this table at Alphen Antique Market:

Austrian Porcelain Bells at the Alphen Antique Market in Constantia, Cape Town

Austrian Porcelain Bells at the Alphen Antique Market in Constantia – the price tag said approximately 40 rand each

A lovely lady had this wonderful collection of porcelain bells and little Christmas houses at the antique market and they are just so pretty that I just had to share them with you!  She told me that they used to belong to a collector who very sadly passed away recently.  He had built the most impressive collection of antiques, and in the end nine removal trucks were used to move his belongings!  I am sure that all these pieces are finding loving homes around South Africa now, and I happen to know that a couple of these bells also took a flight back to the UK!

Austrian Porcelain Bells at the Alphen Antique Market in Constantia, Cape Town

Austrian Porcelain Bells at the Alphen Antique Market in Constantia, Cape Town

These are all of English descent but they are made in many countries around the world.  They made me think of Austrian and German designs and even though I have never celebrated Christmas in Austria, I can imagine that decorations like these can be found in a couple of homes.  I would actually love to visit a Christmas market in beautiful Vienna one day, and I am sure that there would be tons of stalls with little decorations like these bells.

Austrian Glass Bells at the Alphen Antique Market in Constantia, Cape Town

A few glass/crystal bells as well

Austrian Porcelain Bells at the Alphen Antique Market in Constantia, Cape Town

I love how you can put a little electric light inside the houses to give them a look of being lived in – by teeny tiny people

As you can see there were porcelain as well as glass bless and they made the sweetest and most dainty little sound when you rang them.  Such a lovely little addition to your collection of Christmas decorations.

More Christmas inspired posts will be coming up soon and since it is almost December they will finally be justified!