A Vintage Cameo Brooch from Sweden


Vintage Cameo Brooch worn with a white blouse

Vintage Cameo Brooch worn with a white blouse

We are continuing to overindulge in beautiful brooches this February and the photo above came in to us from the lovely Lady M in Sweden, who has joined our brooch wearing challenge!  You might recognise the cameo from an earlier post: A Romantic Cameo Bringing Us A Love Poem and we have seen it like this on the blog before:

Vintage Cameo Brooch

Vintage Cameo Brooch

Our Lady M said that it was a given accessory with her outfit to the Swedish antique art exhibition Antikmässan last week, and added that she loves how beautifully it goes with a crème coloured outfit – and I couldn’t agree more!

It is just wonderful that you guys are getting involved in this, keep sending your fabulous photos of brooch-decorated outfits so that we can spread the love!  Now happy weekend sweetheart, I look forward to seeing you again on Monday!