Meet the dashing Decades of Elegance peacock

I am so pleased to be introducing the new logo for Decades of Elegance:

I have always found peacocks fascinating with their natural elegance and grace – and frankly, who wouldn’t want to look fabulous 24/7 without having to make an effort!?

The logo has been created by a wonderful graphic designer who I would warmly like to recommend to you.  I am absolutely delighted with the way she captured the image of the blog, so if you are looking to have a logo designed for your company, please find her details here:

The photos above were taken two years ago in South Africa on one of the lovely wine farms, and have been a great source of inspiration for me in creating this blog.  As a result, the choice of image for the logo wasn’t a very difficult one!

I often find that beautiful images are a great way of keeping creativity and motivation going, as they tend to fuel one’s own urge to create something gorgeous.  Whenever I am lacking inspiration I browse through pictures of objects that I find particularly beautiful, and seeing such a rainbow of stunning images usually reignites my creativity in no time!

Swedish Elegance

So I am in Sweden at the moment and with my power chord left behind I am not able to put up any photos, but if you bear with me I have some wonderful shots to put up next week!  I am off to browse through some shops now and hopefully find a few treasures.  It is very different to be looking around back here compared to London, but I am hoping to find some really lovely pieces very soon.  Happy Summer to you!