My Atonement Dress and the Wonderland Gardens

This post is dedicated to my talented mother and sister.

Last week Saturday was finally the day for the garden opera at the beautiful West Green House Gardens in North Hampshire, and the day when I would get to wear my evening dress.  The dress code was black tie, which is obviously an easy one for the gentlemen, but can mean a wide variety of dresses for the ladies.  You might already be familiar with my 1950’s blue dream of a dress from Vintage Shrewd, which was one alternative to wear.  However, even before I found that one my mother had promised to make me a dress, and I simply had to leap at the opportunity as I just love her designs.  When she asked me what style I wanted I boldly mentioned my dream dress of all times:  Kiera Knightley’s 1930’s style dress from the movie Atonement, which has even been voted the best movie costume of all times.

Now, I would never want to risk infringing the copyright of a photo, which is why I am not putting up any photos of Kiera Knightley wearing the dress here.  Instead I asked my little sister to draw the dress for us, to give you an idea of what our mother had set out to create.  Thanks sis, now go out and make the world a more beautiful place with you amazing drawing and painting skills please!

Kiera Knightley's green dress in Atonement.  Drawing by Liina Heikkinen

Kiera Knightley’s green dress in Atonement. Drawing by Liina Heikkinen

… and my mum said ‘Sure, no problem’.  Really!??!

Since I absolutely adore the colour blue we ended up going for this beautiful blue silk fabric which my mum found it in a shop in Sweden called Simbra Siden.  Simbra Siden source the most breathtaking fabrics from China and India – *hint hint* to all you Swedish brides-to-be!

As the designer she is, my mum then did her own take on this 1930’s gown and created such a beautiful dress, which I was so proud to wear it on the night – thanks mum!

Blue silk evening dress 1930s style

My blue dream dress

Haiku Kimono-design - blue evening dress in silk

Haiku Kimono-design – blue evening dress, 1930’s style in silk from Simbra Siden

Just in case you were wondering about the jewellery:  I wore a 1960’s silver necklace with a faux drop-down pearl, adorned with some sparkling blue stones, which I picked up at an antique market in Surrey the week before.  I matched it up with a pair of Swarovski crystal earrings that were given to me as a birthday present this year.  Here is a closer look of the necklace:

Vintage Necklace with a pearl and blue stones

1960’s vintage necklace with a faux pearl and blue sparkling stones

It was such an enchanted evening at the West Green House Gardens with fairy-lights lighting up the garden paths, miniature apple trees proudly guarding a collection of lavender plants, the most beautifully sculpted flower benches and an impressive old mansion in the midst of it all.  I would so warmly recommend a trip to the Gardens, that have been restored and recreated by one of the world’s greatest garden creators, Marylyn Abbott.

West Green House Gardens

A beautiful pond lit up by lights in all colours of the rainbow

Marylyn Abbott’s garden at Kennerton Green, Mittagong, was Australia’s most visited garden and her work is often featured in prominent gardening magazines and television programmes.  What is so wonderful about West Green House is that Marylyn has been able to unite her two greatest passions: opera and gardening, so that she now hosts one of the most acclaimed country house opera seasons in England.

West Green House Gardens

A garden path lit up by Chinese lanterns and a dragon

We watched Tales of Hoffman, which had the most wonderful cast that performed the most glorious singing and acting.  And with the new venue that has been built solely for the opera we stayed warm and didn’t have to worry about the weather for a second – and still it felt like sitting outside with the great big windows and opening at the back.

Altogether ‘a magical evening’ – as so accurately described by one of the lovely ladies!

Cheeky leopard finds a home

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Cartier style vintage leopard bracelet

Vintage-style leopard bracelet

Hmm… there is something terribly familiar about the bracelet above…

Cartier style leopard bracelet

Cartier style bracelet

Oh yes, you might recognise this as one of our favourite bracelets – the Cartier-style leopard from Portobello Market!  He has found such a loving home and will now be worn around London by one of the most stylish ladies I know.  She often features as my model here on the blog and with her incredibly edgy and spot-on sense of style she will be able to carry off this lovely piece just the way it deserves!

Leopard bracelet from Portobello Market

Leopard bracelet from Portobello Market

I was considering making the bracelet smaller, as you can see it is rather wide.  My friend K however pointed out how beautifully drapes down over her hand and becomes a piece of hand jewellery as well, with that cheeky little paw stretching down to the left in the photo above.

I am absolutely delighted that the two have become a match and I can promise you that I will be on the lookout for similar pieces, as it is all about the statements pieces now ladies!

What do you think about statement jewellery?  Do you prefer dainty pieces or massive bling like above?

Forget-me-not she said

Every girl needs a bit of sparkle and shimmer in her life, and these Dior-style earrings are just what the doctor ordered today:

You know I encourage mixing a downplayed outfit with glamorous jewellery, to get that wonderful chic, yet laid-back style.  These gorgeous vintage earrings bring thoughts to Dior-design, who do glamour like no one else!

I have also been treading through charts of the colour blue to pin down the exact shade for these, but I don’t think any shade captures the intense blue colour which almost shifts into purple below.  I did however think it went so beautifully with these lovely forget-me-nots, which I wanted to share with you.  A beautiful spring-garden in bloom:

… and yes, these beauties are up for sale, so get in touch if you can’t live another weekend without them!

The allure of a magnificent leopard

We have briefly looked at this fabulous leopard bracelet when it made a brief appearance on Portobello Road, and today we’ll take a look at how it can be worn:

A vintage-style leopard bracelet in gold colour, with gorgeous black and sparkling stones

Perfect for jazzing up your work outfit for those after work drinks

I have found that really extravagant jewellery like this often go very well with a leather jacket, as it brings out an rock chic look which you simply can’t go wrong with!  The locking system is so very cleverly developed, where the tail locks into the leopard’s mouth, bringing it all together in a perfect circle.

 My favourite part about this bracelet is how well made it is; when you put it on the leopard drapes itself around your wrist and comes to a perfect rest.  This is a wonderful reproduction of real life leopards on the savanna, that enjoy lying motionless on tree branches, looking down at the world below.

If you want to read a bit more about leopards the National Geographic have a great page about them here.  They really are such magnificent creatures.

Leopards leopards everywhere…

At the moment I seem to be drawn to very extravagant pieces.  This is something the traders on Portobello Market have caught on to, as one of them showed me the leopard bracelet above, and I fell head over heels for it right away!  Now I just need to find the perfect outfit to wear with it, so that you can see how amazing it looks on… I am thinking a very casual outfit so that it stands out on its own – or something sparkling to really go all out… stay tuned!

Wild cats on the loose

Below you can see the stall on Portobello Market which inspired my blog in the first place last summer!  The gentleman’s fine selection of jewellery always draws me back, and if you see anything in the photos that you like then don’t hesitate to let me know and I will get it for you!

On Saturday he showed me this amazing leopard bracelet, which I fell head over heels for and I am sure you can see why:

Just another Saturday on Portobello Market – shopping some glorious jewellery 

Reproduction of some glamourous 1960s jewellery, Cartier-style

So this bracelet is a remake of some 1960s style jewellery, in the shape of a leopard which wraps itself around your wrist.  You lock it by putting his tail into his mouth, and you can see how beautifully he climbs up on my arm.  How stunning it would look with a very simple and elegant black outfit for example, as the only piece of jewellery, don’t you think?

This guy is going straight to the rock-chic collection!

Afternoon tea with a side of glamour

Any excuse to wear a favourite piece of jewellery… 

… my hair is up in a ponytail with a few small braids on both sides for that lovely boho chic touch…

Get the girls together and go for some tea and scones – and don’t forget to use it as an excuse to wear your favourite pieces of jewellery, as it is the perfect time to get just a bit more dressed up! 

I wanted to wear my favourite earrings the other day – a pair of 1920s style ones – but as my friend and I went to a rather rustic French café I didn’t want to look too overdressed – ahh the constant battle!

Well, I ended up pairing up the earrings with this very subtle, dark grey top from COS, which comes with the most divine black bow on one shoulder.  The contrast that it creates with the sparkling earrings was just what I was looking for, as it lets the jewellery stand out just the right amount.  And COS really is one of my favourite shops for laid back, yet beautifully tailored clothes, that just always seem to work with vintage jewellery!

So I hope this inspires you to wear those earrings or that bracelet that might be just a little bit too shimmery, as I think all jewellery is made to be worn and should not be tucked away for that “special occasion” that might just come around once or twice – instead wear it and enjoy it as much as you can!

1920s style silver and marcasite earrings with a faux pearl

The sun colours the silver differently above

Such beautiful and simple little things

I picked up these lovely little earrings in Angel the other day.  They are a remake of 1920 style earrings and I love how elegant and dainty they are.  Perfect for that work outfit or for Sunday lunch at a beautiful countryside pub.

The silver is designed in a wonderful way so that it creates two arches that meet at the bottom by the pearl.  The marcasites are sparkling and absolutely stunning – I hope you love it as much as I do!

Oh she is so hiding something…

Good morning!

This piece is a remake of a 1920s style cameo, in green and golden colours with a very shy-looking young maiden.  I bought it at a car boot sale from a man who convinced me that it used to belong to his great aunt in the 1920s, however, looking closer at it we have established that it is a reproduction, so I definitely learnt something new there!

The antique jewellery business can be so tricky, as there are endless things to learn about gemstones, metals, eras, styles etc.  And since the modern day remakes are often very good, it is sometimes almost impossible trying to decide which pieces are authentic.  But you learn from your mistakes, and this lovely little brooch has already received so much admiration from my friends, that I am absolutely delighted to include it in my collection.

Have a lovely weekend dear!