At the heart of London’s Vintage Fashion scene: Vintage Modes

Hello my dear!  So I wanted to take you to last week’s Thursday’s vintage catwalk at Vintage Modes in Gray’s Antiques; you know the beautiful building just behind Bond Street station where you can revel in antique jewellery, watches, objects d’art, exquisite amber designs…

Vintage Modes Fashion Catwalk at Grays Antiques

                                  Vintage Modes Fashion Catwalk at Grays Antiques

Vintage Fashion Catwalk at Vintage Modes, Grays Antiques

   This met us when we arrived at the vintage fashion catwalk at Vintage Modes in Grays Antiques

The downstairs area of Vintage Modes had been turned into a catwalk, and the models came pouring down the runway, wearing the most gorgeous vintage outfits!  I had a lovely chat to the newest member of the Vintage Modes team, Geeta Handa of C-Atomic, who showed us some of her own designs that often feature original period fabrics as well as our favourite details from eras gone by.  I fell in love with this 70s style dress and I couldn’t take my eyes off a 60s dress in a dark blue pattern fabric and that time typical high collar!

Geeta Handa of C-Atomic at Vintage Modes, Grays Antiques

                    Umm hello 1970s!  From Geeta Handa of C-Atomic at Vintage Modes

Vintage Fashion Catwalk at Vintage Modesm Grays Antiques

                       Vintage Fashion Catwalk at Vintage Modes, Grays Antiques

The funny thing is that we see so much 7os revival fashion in all the contemporary fashion shops around town at the moment – and here we are, walking into Vintage Modes where the walls are draped with all these stunning pieces that are actually FROM the 70s!  I don’t think that I am the only one preferring to do my shopping here, where we know the designs will last us years and years..!

Vintage Fashion Catwalk at Vintage Modes, Grays Antiques

                          Vintage Fashion Catwalk at Vintage Modes, Grays Antiques

Vintage Modes Catwalk, Grays Antique Centre

Who can say no to some Brigitte Bardot inspiration on a vintage shoppimg? Apparently she rivalled Marilyn Monroe as the world’s most photographed woman

The catwalk featured designs from Chanel, Biba, Yves Saint Laurent, Christian Dior, and Ossie Clark and gave us some great inspiration for the autumn.

Arabella Bianco at Vintage Modes, Grays Antiques

  Just a few pieces from Arabella Bianco‘s vintage costume jewellery collection 

Grays Antiques, Vintage Accessories from June Victor

                                          Vintage accessories from June Victor

Vintage Parrot Brooch Gillian Horsup Vintage Modes Grays Antiques

                                 Vintage Costume Jewellery from Gillian Horsup

Suffragette jewellery from Richard Ogden, Burlington Arcade

                      Suffragette jewellery from Richard Ogden, Burlington Arcade

And wore this glorious pieces of suffragette jewellery from Richard Ogden to the catwalk, love!!!  You might remember that we have looked closer at the suffragette movement in an earlier post: Suffragette Jewellery and the history is very fascinating indeed. In the pendant the three colours of the movement; green, white and violet, are symbolised by a pear shape peridot, three natural pearls and a round pink topaz.

And so I just can’t wait for the next show at Vintage Modes, and I do hope to see you there my dear! (Please watch this space for further info on timings!)

Vintage Fashion Catwalk at Vintage Modes coming up

Hello my lovely, I have just found out that Vintage Modes at Grays Antique Centre is organising a fabulous day next Thursday, the 10th September from 12pm-5pm!  You might remember that we have visited them before, in the blog post Vintage Modes in Grays Antiques Centre?

Grays Vintage Mode

Who can say no to bubbly and a catwalk I wonder?  And our favourite Arabella Bianco will be showcasing their lovely collection – we have obviously them quite a few times before and lost ourselves in their wonderful collection: Arabella Bianco on Decades of Elegance:

Arabella Bianco Vintage Jewellery at Grays Antique Centre

We will get spoilt even further on the day, as June Victor, Gillian Horsup, Linda Bee and C-Atomic are all taking part with their glorious collections – this is one that all you Vintage lovers really mustn’t miss!  Last time I popped by Gray’s I ended up having a lovely chat with June and I have seen what treasures they possess, so I can warmly recommend that you check it out for yourself!

June Victor at Vintage Modes, Grays Antique Centre

Just a small preview of June Victor’s collection of vintage pieces… anyone looking to make                                               a fabulous entrance at the next cocktail party!? 

Gillian Horsup Vintage Jewellery

Just a teeny tiny fraction of what Gillian Horsup has to offer us in terms of vintage and                                                                                vintage-style jewellery

Vintage Mode Dresses, Grays Antiques Centre, Fashion Show

So I am really hoping to see you at Vintage Modes next week for a day of stunning vintage fashion!

Vintage Modes

Lower Ground Floor

1-7 Davies Mews




Burlington Arcade – then and now

Burlington Arcade, Mayfair, London

                      Burlington Arcade with its beautiful new floors – we are huge fans!

Hello my dearest one, you might have wondered why there have been so few new blog posts lately and I can only blame it on the bane of my misery: IT.  But things should be up and running now so that we can get back to our beloved antique jewellery!

It has been a few really fun weeks in the antique shop; we have had some beautiful pieces come through the door and we are now in the middle of putting together the Christmas Catalogue! (I know right, in August!?)!  But it is all great fun and I am learning TONS, and obviously passing on the most interesting information to you fine folks!

Necklace clasps and old Burlington Arcade postcard

      A few diamond set clasps for necklaces that I was showing a client – on top of an old                                                Burlington Arcade postcard

Yesterday three photographs of the Burlington Arcade at the beginning of the 19th century popped up on my desk.  We have looked at the history of the Arcade before, in the blog post the Burlington Arcade in London, but there are a few more fun pieces of information left to learn:

Burlington Arcade, 19th century, antique London photos at Richard Ogden

               Antique photographs featuring the Burlington Arcade – at Richard Ogden

In the top photo you can see one of the Beadles (the gentlemen guarding the Arcade) addressing a man with an umbrella, as you are not allowed to carry open umbrellas in the Arcade.  Legend has it that even after the bombings in the 1940s destroyed the roof of the Arcade the Beadles would enforce the no-umbrella law – that is how seriously they take their duties!

Burlington Arcade, Mayfair, London

                       The new floors of the Burlington Arcade, as modelled by Fluffy

And you might not know this, but whistling is not allowed in the Arcade either, and there is quite a shocking reason to this: during the 1800s the first floors in the Arcade were used by “working ladies”, and every time that the police approached the Arcade someone would whistle to warn these ladies – and the men who were with them – so that they could make a quick escape!  So whenever someone walks down the Arcade whistling, they get a kind reminder from the Beadles that it is not allowed.  I do in fact hear quite a few people every week trying to whistle a little tune in the arcade, and it is a shame in a way that you are not allowed to, as the acoustics are so great now that we have the beautiful new floors there!

Then and Now - the Burlington Arcade Entrance

                             Then and Now – the entrance of the Burlington Arcade

And in the bottom postcard we have a view of the entrance to the Arcade before it was redesigned in the 30s.  I had a lot of fun putting together the two photos above, as they really highlight how much has changed in these past 100 years – just look at people’s outfits!  Not to mention all the vehicles blocking the way for my perfect photo!!

I would love to hear which one of the two designs you prefer – and also whether you have visited the Arcade and maybe have some special memories from there?  For example seeing a pair of glorious earrings, or maybe shopping for an engagement ring?

The Great Putney Clothes Sale is on tonight!

The Great Putney Clothes Sale 2015

The Great Putney Clothes Sale 2015  Photography: Michelle Lindsell

Alright folks, tonight The Great Putney Clothes Sale is finally on again – you might remember that we visited a couple of years ago and had the greatest time!

The Great Putney Clothes Sale 2015

The Great Putney Clothes Sale 2015.  Photography: Michelle Lindsell

Bring & buy your nearly new unwanted clothes, shoes & jewellery in aid of a fantastic local charity Regenerate, who are doing amazing things with young people transforming communities from the inside out.

Keep your profits or make additional voluntary donations in stunning gardens of St Mary’s Church and Arches overlooking the River Thames. There will be cocktails, canapés and lots + lots of beautiful clothes at bargain prices (All items £20 or less!!)

We ask for a £10 donation to take part & have a stand. You are welcome to keep your profits, or if you would like to donate more there will be a little box for totally optional cash donations.

Come along! We would love to invite you to browse some lovely clothes & enjoy a summers evening in good company. Bring plenty of CASH as we won’t have card facilities! There is an ATM machine nearby on Putney High Street if needed.

Thursday 6th August 2015, 7:30 – 10:00pm
See event details here:

Nearest Tube: Putney Bridge
Nearest Train: Putney Mainline
Address: Saint Mary’s Church, Putney.

The Great Putney Clothes Sale 2015

We are also super excited about the Generosity Bar with this Elderflower, Cucumber and Mint Cooler with Gin..!   Photography: Michelle Lindsell

‘Jewellery and Fashion from 1890 to 1929’ by Andrew Prince at Grays Antique Centre


Andrew Prince 'From Downton to Gatsby, Jewellery and Fashion from 1890 to 1929’, a Grays Antique Centre

Andrew Prince ‘From Downton to Gatsby, Jewellery and Fashion from 1890 to 1929’, a Grays Antique Centre

You guys!  I visited Grays Antiques on Monday and was swept off my feet by Andrew Prince’s stories about the different eras around the turn of the century – it was so amazing!  He whisked us away to faraway lands with tales and legends about Maharajas, Victorian socialites and the shocking style of the 1920s when women started applying make up in public.  One of the things that we learnt was that only the highest ranking Maharaja was allowed to wear a full crown, so the other Maharajas would wear tiaras over their turbans, that only just didn’t connect at the back, to get around the rule!  So sneaky.

Andrew Prince 'From Downton to Gatsby, Jewellery and Fashion from 1890 to 1929’, at Grays Antique Centre

Andrew Prince ‘From Downton to Gatsby, Jewellery and Fashion from 1890 to 1929’, at Grays Antique Centre

And the above photo is from my favourite story of the day – although for my life I can’t remember the name of this Victorian socialite!

Two young ladies in the 1890s were enemies in everything, from wealth to clothes to men, and always tried to outdo each other.  One evening, at a great ball, Lady 1 above appeared wearing all her jewellery, as you can see in the photo.  The rivalling Lady 2 could’t believe her eyes, and sent for her maid, who brought along a trunk filled with all of Lady 2’s jewellery.  She plonked on the table in front of Lady 1 one and said: ‘There!  I have so much that I simply can’t wear it all at once!”  The young socialite in the photo allegedly huffed and puffed – and left the party in a fury!

1940s 18ct yellow gold ring with diamonds

1940s 18ct yellow gold ring with diamonds

There is also so much that goes on outside these talks, as in antique jewellery there is just never a dull moment!  One of my fellow listeners was wearing this amazing 1940’s 18ct yellow gold and platinum ring with brilliant cut diamonds that we all just swooned over!  I thought for a moment that it might have been a 50s piece, because of its extravagant design but I do agree that there are lingering Art Deco features in the ring, like its geometric shapes which was so typical especially for the 20s and 30s, so 40s it is!  Isn’t it just amazing?!

1920s blue zircon bar brooch

My own look for the day, with a 1920s blue zircon bar brooch

1920s blue zircon bar brooch

1920s blue zircon bar brooch

I decided to wear my favourite brooch in the whole wide world – a blue zircon flanked with diamonds from the 1920s, and I thought that it went so beautifully with my turquoise scarf.  In fact, if you are following us on Instagram you will see that I am going through a white and turquoise phase, with everything I wear being those two colours!!

Arabella Bianco Vintage Jewellery at Grays Antique Centre

An array of gold bracelets and bangles from Arabella Bianco in Grays Antique Centre

Arabella Bianco Vintage Jewellery at Grays Antique Centre

A close up of these stunning treasures from Arabella Bianco

I obviously had to pop down to Arabella Bianco in Grays after Andrew’s talk, as I am on the lookout for some gold coloured bracelets at the moment.  She of course had a wide range and so I hung around for far longer than I had intended to!  There were stunning pieces by the big vintage jewellery houses and I fell in love with a pair of Art Deco style drop earrings, but already have something similar at home so I didn’t end up buying them (not that that has stopped me before..!)

Arabella Bianco Vintage Jewellery at Grays Antique Centre

Beautiful vintage jewellery from Arabella Bianco in Grays Antique Centre

So I would like to thank Grays Antiques for setting up this wonderful day of behind the scenes antique jewellery talks, and I hope that we will have many more to look forward to!  And I would absolutely love to see you guys there, as I think that it gives such an extra dimension to wearing your vintage or antique pieces, when you know the eras a little bit better, and you can associate certain details and designs to a particular time.  And thank you Andrew for giving such an amazing talk – entertaining and fascinating, as always!

‘A day of antiques: looking beyond the trade at Grays’

Pendant earrings by Andrew Prince for Downton Abbey

Pendant earrings by Andrew Prince – who is giving a talk at Grays Antique Centre on Monday 15th of June

Ladies and Gents, I am so excited to let you know that on MONDAY we can all visit Grays Antique Centre and listen to talks spanning the arts, antiques and collecting spheres – speakers include our very own Andrew Prince, BBC2 Collectaholics Mark Hill, the owner of Grays and Alfies Antiques, Bennie Gray and many others!  I sure will be going and hope to see you there!

Tickets are very reasonably priced at £10 (and include a glass of prosecco!) with a discount for multiple purchases and they have set up the talks to run throughout the day as follows:

Grays Antique Centre Monday 15th June 2015

11am: ‘Luxury: Between Opulence and Minimalism’, Professor Giorgio Riello
12pm: ‘From Downton to Gatsby, Jewellery and Fashion from 1890 to 1929’, Andrew Prince
1pm: ‘Undressing Antiques’, Mark Hill
2pm: ‘Antiques: Looking to the future’, Bennie Gray
3pm: ‘How London’s heritage brands contributed to the war effort’ with Q&A, Penelope Sacorafou and Caroline Groves
4pm: ‘Post-War Rye Pottery: History and Collecting’, Elisabeth Bogdan
5pm: ‘Contemporary Chinese Print-Making’, Dr Anne Farrer
Price: £10 per talk, £18 for two or £25 for three
Duration: 45 minutes
Tickets will include a glass of prosecco and are available online at or in person from reception at Grays on South Molton Lane.

Antique evening bag, Grays Antique Centre

Antique evening bag, Grays Antique Centre (NOT the copyright of Decades of Elegance – the blog is playing up today!)

Amethyst & Diamond Heart Ring. Offered by Spectrum.  (NOT the copyright of Decades of Elegance - the blog is playing up a bit today!)

Amethyst & Diamond Heart Ring.Spectrum. (NOT the copyright of Decades of Elegance – the blog is playing up a bit today!)

So I am very much hoping to see you at Grays on Monday my dear, until then have a wonderful weekend!

Tickets can be bought here: Fox and Squirrel – London Talks 15th June 2015.

Petworth Park Antiques & Fine Art Fair

You guys!  I worked at the most wonderful antiques fair over the weekend, Petworth Park Antiques & Fine Art Fair, and I wish I had had time to tell you about it last week, so that you could have visited!  The good thing is that the fair was such a success that it will most likely run again next year, and I will of course keep you updated on that!  Now, let me show you what the days were like – and why you will love to visit next year:

Petworth House 17th century mansion in Petworth

Petworth House 

Petworth House 17th century mansion in Petworth

Petworth House

Petworth House 17th century mansion in Petworth

The entrance to the grounds of Petworth House

Petworth House 17th century mansion in Petworth

Petworth House 

The fair took place on the beautiful grounds of Petworth House – and if you haven’t yet been,  I can tell you that it is the most extraordinary 17th century mansion – think Downton Abbey!  They have a magnificent art collection with works by Turner, Van Dyck, Reynolds and Blake, ancient and Neo-classical sculpture, fine furniture and carvings by Grinling Gibbons.  The rooms are just breathtaking, and you wander through the Beauty Room – with paintings of all the fair ladies of the house hanging far above you and above the gilded mirrors that also adorn the room; the staircase room with the most beautiful curved staircase, a grand piano and sofas seated under the stairs, where you expect to see the Victorians kicking back and enjoying the music; not to mention the Carved Room with its extraordinary details on the walls – you just have to see it for yourself!

The Servants' Quarters at Petworth House 17th century mansion in Petworth

Entrance to the Servants’ Quarters at Petworth House

You can also visit the servants’ quarters, where you get the feeling of having stepped 200 years back in time!  The kitchen looks like it is about to be filled with cooks and maids, who any second will continue to stir the soup and cut the onions.

Petworth Park Antiques & Fine Art Fair

Petworth Park Antiques & Fine Art Fair

At the fair there were around 40 exhibitors, predominantly members of the British Antique Dealers’ Association and LAPADA The Association of Art & Antiques Dealers, showcasing furniture, jewellery, sculpture, glass, objets d’art and silver to oriental carpets, paintings, drawings and many other decorative and unique works.  This was our stand:

Richard Ogden at Petworth Park Antiques & Fine Art Fair

Richard Ogden at Petworth Park Antiques & Fine Art Fair

… and boy had we brought along some extraordinary pieces!

Richard Ogden and Moira Fine Jewels at Petworth Park Antiques & Fine Art Fair

Here is just a small selection of what we brought along from Richard Ogden and Moira Fine Jewels…

Padparadscha Sapphire bracelet from Moira Fine Jewels

I am hopelessly in love with this Padparadscha Sapphire bracelet from Moira!  How stunning it would look with a white summer’s dress, or a black dress for that matter!  You can view it at Richard Ogden in the Burlington Arcade 

Padparadscha Sapphire bracelet from Moira Fine Jewels

Padparadscha sapphires are the orange/pink ones that you can see above.  They are just so rare and absolutely beautiful, that I couldn’t take my eyes off it during the fair!

Aquamarine and diamond necklace, and aquamarine and diamond ring from Richard Ogden and Moira Fine Jewels

We also brought along this beautiful aquamarine and diamond necklace, the aquamarine and diamond ring and a stunning amethyst and diamond ring – with a Siberian amethyst, which is distinguished by a tint of red in the purple.  And little Piggy Cufflinks on the fair right 

Golden bird of paradise with rubies and sapphires from Richard Ogden

I was wearing this beautiful Bird of Paradise in yellow gold, set with rubies and sapphires from Richard Ogden

So next year I recommend that you come by the fair, then continue on to Petworth House for a wander through this extraordinary mansion.  You can then finish off your trip with lunch in Petworth village, just a few minute walk Petworth House entrance, as it is the most quaint little historic market town, with picturesque streets and of course a wide range of shops and antique centres.

Spriggs Florist in Petworth

Spriggs Florist in Petworth – just one of the lovely little shops in the village

Magnificent Jewels at Sotheby’s Auction, New York

Hello dearest, so I will be going away for two weeks to our lovely South Africa, and since the weight of my laptop is about half the checked-in luggage allowance, I must leave the laptop behind and the blog will be back again the week starting 4th of May!  But before I bid you farewell, I have a few wonderful jewellery events to share with you:

Magnificent Jewels by Sotheby’s on 21 April at 3pm

Sotheby’s Magnificent Jewels auction is coming up on 21 April and here on the blog we are just beyond ourselves with excitement:  many of the pieces are spring-themed and all these beautiful colours and designs just make us want to dress up in pastels, sun hats and light summer dresses.  We have also learnt that Sotheby’s will be partnering with eBay on this occasion, so it will be the first time the jewellery sale is available on eBay’s live auctions platform.  It means that even if we are not in New York, and even if we can’t afford these amazing pieces, we can still watch the bidding live – a bit like some high-end auction-window-shopping really!  And I have of course picked out a few pieces that I thought you might love:

153. Platinum Padparadscha Sapphire Ring by Cartier, from Sotheby's Auction on eBay

Estimate $125,000 – $150,000  Centering a square-cut padparadscha sapphire weighing approximately 13.10 carats, accented by single-cut diamonds weighing approximately .25 carat, size 5¾, signed Cartier, numbered 3998311.

What an extraordinary stone!  We haven’t yet learnt about Padparadscha Sapphires here on the blog, but will do in an upcoming post.  The definition of Padparadscha Sapphires is debated within the jewellery community, but many agree that it captures sapphires that hold a colour between pink and orange.  Unusual and just beyond beautiful!
18ct gold Fancy Vivid Yellow Diamond Ring from Sotheby's Auction on eBay

Estimate $30,000 – $40,000 Of stylized floral design, centering a round Fancy Vivid Yellow diamond weighing 2.04 carats, accented by round diamonds weighing approximately 4.50 carats, gross weight approximately 12 dwts, size 6¼, with expandable shank, signed Bulgari, inscribed CM 2.04.

Oh I just love the spring-colour combination in the ring above!  Yellow diamonds are glorious in their own right and fetch very high prices – often higher than colourless diamonds – and paired up with white diamonds and yellow gold in the Bulgari design above encapsulates a sunny spring day for me!

81 Star Sapphire in White Gold from Sotheby's Auction on eBay

Estimate $15,000 – $20,000 Centering a cabochon star sapphire measuring approximately 18.1 by 14.7 by 12.6 mm, framed by round and baguette diamonds weighing approximately 2.60 carats, size 6.

Given my obsession with star sapphires I just had to include the ring above.  It is like looking at a starry sky in a clear night – magnificent!  We already know that in 100 sapphires found, only three will be star sapphires – and only one of these three will have a beautiful star as well as a beautiful colour, in case you remember the blog post A Star Ruby Romance.
114. Platinum Emerald and Diamond Bracelet at Sotheby's Auction on eBay

Estimate $15,000 – $20,000  Set with square, baguette, old European and single-cut diamonds weighing approximately 14.20 carats, accented by pear-shaped and calibré-cut emeralds, length 7¼ inches, one small diamond missing; circa 1930.

I was delighted to find this circa 1930s bracelet in such a distinct Art Deco design.  The emeralds have such a vivid green colour and there is nothing better than old cut diamonds – you know the kind that outshines and out-sparkles any modern cut diamonds when worn in a candle light-setting?
169. Platinum Diamond Pendant from Sotheby's Auction on eBay

Estimate $3,800,000 – $4,200,000  The pear-shaped diamond weighing 52.26 carats, suspended from a chain set with eight round diamonds weighing .87 carat, length adjusts from 16 to 17 inches.

I just had to include this diamond pendant with an exquisite pear-shaped diamond.  A girl can always dream, right?  So let’s keep an eye on the auction to see how much these stunning pieces end up going for – and if you click onto the event page you will be able to dive into the rest of the collection…
Frock Me! Vintage Fashion Fair at Chelsea Old Town Hall

Frock Me! Vintage Fashion Fair at Chelsea Old Town Hall

And before I go I also have to tell you about another exciting event, which takes place a little closer to home: The Frock Me! Vintage Fashion Fair at Old Chelsea Town Hall.  Very pleased to be presenting the flyer above, which you must print and bring along to the fair on 26 April at Chelsea Old Town Hall, for your half-price entry!

Afternoon tea at Blackbird Tea Rooms at the Frock Me! Vintage Fair

Afternoon tea at Blackbird Tea Rooms at the Frock Me! Vintage Fair

We are already familiar with this fabulous fair, but for any readers, it is London’s leading vintage fashion and textiles fair and they have the most amazing vintage and designer pieces on display!  Our favourite cafe, Blackbird Tea Rooms, will of course also be there, and thinking about it, I haven’t yet posted from my last visit:

Afternoon tea at Blackbird Tea Rooms at the Frock Me! Vintage Fair

It is 7:45am as I am writing this, and I am now having massive cravings for Afternoon Tea!!

And if you haven’t been yet I would so recommend that you go!  The best thing is when the most unexpected things just jump out at you and you find yourself coming home with a beautiful collection of vintage clothes and accessories!

Frock Me! Vintage Fashion Fair / Sunday 26 April / 11am- 5.30pm

I now wish you a wonderful day in the sunshine and I will see you again on Wednesday 6th May!

Ica Bergqvist Vintage at Vintagemässan

Vintagemässan Bakåt Framåt in Stockholm 2014

People watching at vintage fairs is the best, as so many ladies and gents will make a real effort to get dressed up in the most period accurate outfits – and this one was no exception!  This gorgeous young lady was dressed to the nines in 1940s gear and rocked the look!

Hello my lovely, as mentioned last week I am having a few quite busy weeks at the moment, which is why our blog posts are so few and far in between!  I was just looking through photos from Vintagemässan in Stockholm last April (I can’t believe that it has been a year!) and realised that I had missed out on telling you about one fabulous shop that had their things on display there: Ica Bergqvist.

Ica Bergqvist at Vintagemässan in Stockholm 2014

This is such a glorious necklace!!!  I love how summery it is and I think that I would wear it with a little white shift dress

Ica Bergqvist at Vintagemässan in Stockholm 2014

Such sweet daisies – the perfect necklace for a summer party

It is time to start thinking about our summer wardrobes (this is usually my philosophy in February when the sun comes out for the first time in three months, but at least now it is April!) and the photos above of this beautiful Daisy necklace are getting me so inspired to go for a sweet and flowery style this year!  The fabulous statement necklace gets a nice contrast from the more structured yellow 1950s dress and Chanel-style handbag.

Ica Bergqvist at Vintagemässan in Stockholm 2014

“Handmade jewellery by Elenor Bergqvist”

Ica Bergqvist at Vintagemässan in Stockholm 2014

A lovely little golden angel playing his instrument for us, among all this beautiful jewellery! 

Ica Bergqvist at Vintagemässan in Stockholm 2014

Vintage jewellery treasure hunting, always a favourite!

Ica Bergqvist at Vintagemässan in Stockholm 2014

A collection of gold and brass necklaces – definitely a style that has stood the test of time  

I love visiting vintage fairs with friends because they will inevitably look at things that I wouldn’t have thought of looking at.  This time around I went with my sister, who was looking for a new handbag and so she ended up trying quite a few – and I managed to get a few photos of one of her favourites:

Ica Bergqvist at Vintagemässan in Stockholm 2014

My sister was looking for a vintage handbag at the time, so I snuck a few paparazzi shots of her checking one out

Ica Bergqvist at Vintagemässan in Stockholm 2014

Love the buckle!  I am quite content with my handbag collection at the moment, with a nice mix of vintage bags from grandma and my great aunt, a few beloved Mulberry bags and a glorious teal coloured leather bag that I bought in Italy a couple of years ago.  But then again, a girl can never have too many handbags…

This past week at Richard Ogden

Hello sweetheart!  So I love looking through the photos on my phone and seeing what lovely jewellery has crossed my path in the past week, and today is no exception!  We will start with this beautiful turquoise, pearl and gold necklace from the 1880/90s that one of our dealers showed me the other day:

Gold, pearl and turquoise necklace ca 1880/1890s

Stunning necklace ca 1880/1890s


Gold, pearl and turquoise necklace ca 1880/1890s

Gold, pearl and turquoise necklace ca 1880/1890s – sorry about the shaky picture, I must have been so overwhelmed by the beautiful design that I just couldn’t keep my hand steady! 

It is a typical English design with a nature motif, which was so very popular toward to the turn of the last century, which is when this necklace is from.  I had a chat to one of the dealers about whether it was an Art Nouveau piece or not, and he didn’t think so as it doesn’t quite carry the specific design of Art Nouveau, but he did say that there are some very pretty scroll work in the piece.

I obviously adore it especially because my grandmother loves the combination of gold and turquoise – and with the pearls it just becomes so delicate and romantic.  I would love to wear it with a nice and light summer dress, oh and speaking of which: I can’t WAIT for summer to come around, I am sure you feel the same way!!!

And I spent this morning looking through our stock from the BADA fair and got stuck dreaming away on these chunky gold bracelets from Harvey & Gore.  They have some pretty exquisite jewellery, so if you are ever walking down the Burlington Arcade, do take a look in our windows, and you will see the Harvey & Gore collection in our last window down towards Piccadilly.  Everything is obviously beautiful, but these guys have some exquisite period pieces that are so much fun to look at!

So there we are dearest, I should be back again on Tuesday next week, as I am bit tied up on Monday.  I hope that you have a wonderful weekend and I can’t wait to bring you some more beautiful pieces next week!