Gorgeous Gerties in Dorking

Gorgeous Gerties Vintage Dorking, Surrey

This one goes out to all of you vintage lovers – we are popping by Gorgeous Gerties in Dorking

I visited Gorgeous Gerties in Dorking for the first time last week, and was so surprised to find such a wonderful vintage adventure in a town that I thought I knew inside out!  Under their roof you will find a vintage tearoom, an olde world sweet shop, a beautiful collection of vintage jewellery, vintage accessories and vintage crockery – and on top of all this you can also sign up to their creative workshops and get your imagination and creativity going!

Gorgeous Gerties Vintage Dorking, Surrey

Lovely scarves and fabulous dressing gowns – of course in the romantic vintage rose pattern 

Vintage style dress, Gorgeous Gerties Vintage Dorking, Surrey

You know when you are running through all the shops in London, trying to find a nice present for a friend’s child’s birthday, but everything looks exactly the same?  Well, guess where I will be getting my pressies from now on?

Vintage style dress, Gorgeous Gerties Vintage Dorking, Surrey

The perfect dress for a little summer princess!

Vintage style dress, Gorgeous Gerties Vintage Dorking, Surrey

with a very reasonable ticket to go with it!

Vintage Toys and Games, Gorgeous Gerties Vintage Dorking, Surrey

A lovely collection of vintage toys and games

Upstairs in this charming 15th century building you are surrounded by vintage fabrics, old vintage patterns for making your own pieces of clothing, a children’s department, a vintage jewellery section and some beautiful items for the house.  I would come love to come here when I am decorating my future house one day, as I can’t imagine a better place to find unique pieces that give the home a very personal touch.

Gorgeous Gerties Vintage Dorking, Surrey

Gorgeous Gerties Vintage Dorking, Surrey

Gorgeous Gerties Vintage Dorking, Surrey

I love this – so very French country

Vintage sowing patterns, Gorgeous Gerties Vintage Dorking, Surrey

Some charming vintage patterns for all you amazing people who make your own clothes!

Vintage sowing patterns, Gorgeous Gerties Vintage Dorking, Surrey

Whenever I have spent hours searching the shops in vain for a specific design that I have in mind, I always decide that one day I will design my own clothes!  I might just start collecting vintage patterns like these so that I am prepared for that day when I finally have a sowing machine!

Vintage fabrics, Gorgeous Gerties Vintage Dorking, Surrey

Some lovely vintage fabrics 

Gorgeous Gerties Vintage Dorking, Surrey

The DYI corner at Gorgeous Gerties

Vintage Jewellery, Gorgeous Gerties Vintage Dorking, Surrey

The Vintage Jewellery Corner, where I may or may not have bought something….

The shop and café combined is just such a well-thought through concept.  I love how they are promoting independent designers and dealers, as I am always much more inclined to shop at places like this, than at high street chain shops!  They call it a “modern day vintage department store”, which is a perfect description, except that it is so much more charming and intimate than a regular department store!

The old sweet shop at Gorgeous Gerties Vintage Dorking, Surrey

The olde sweet shop at Gorgeous Gerties

Gorgeous Gerties Vintage, Dorking

Do pop by for a cream tea! 


Gorgeous Gerties Vintage, Dorking

Peeking into the charming tearoom at Gorgeous Gerties

Gorgeous Gerties Vintage, Dorking

Through this window we get a preview of what they have to offer in this fabulous “vintage department store”

Gorgeous Gerties

61 West Street



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