Happy Halloween!

Brompton Cemetery - The Royal Parks

Brompton Cemetery

Wishing all of you little pumpkins a fabulous Halloween!  Make sure that you have stacked up on sweets – or homemade, natural sugar-only treats 😉 – for those teeny tiny Harry Potters, Grumpy Cats and ghosts that are bound to come knocking on your door.  And remember to incorporate some antique or vintage jewellery into your costumes – those witches didn’t wake up looking that fabulous, if you know that I am saying!?!!

Portobello Road Antique Snake Necklace with Diamonds Rubies and Sapphires

If you just want to give Halloween a little nudge, to show that you haven’t forgotten about it, you can always just a wear a piece of scary jewellery – like a snake necklace!

Happy Halloween!!!

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