Raindrops and pearls

Good morning my lovely!  I don’t know if you are also seeing raindrops on your window sill this morning, but this is the view that met me when I stepped outside a few minutes ago:

Some May-rain preparing the garden for summer

Raindrops on a leaf – it is the simple things in life..!

Now we might still need something to pick us up when the sun doesn’t shine, and when I was looking through my little collection this lovely brooch caught my eye:

 A small vintage brooch to bring some sunshine to your rainy day

1950s brooch with faux pearls and rhinestones

This lovely brooch is just longing to be added into your messy hairstyle, or pinned onto a lovely scarf.  So when the weather isn’t going your way do spoil yourself by for example wearing your favourite piece of jewellery – it’ll make you feel special and that always shine through so beautifully to the world!

Elegance Made Easy

An invitation has just come along from Mary’s Living and Giving Shop for a wonderful event this coming Sunday: Elegance made Easy (oh yes, we are loving the name!)

This is a fashion and style event, beginning with a short talk on style and colour by a professional stylist, followed by exclusive shopping in the shop after hours – complete with a glass of wine, and the stylist on hand to give advice.  Tickets are £15 and half of the proceeds going to Save the Children, and there are 15 places available.

A lovely philosophy which makes shopping here a such a great experience! 

What a lovely Sunday afternoon treat and since it takes place in Parson’s Green you will have tons of great restaurants and cafees nearby, so why take a girlfriend along and make an afternoon of it?  Maybe go for some champagne at Amuse Bouche or some afternoon tea at Le Pain Quotidien!  I am so sad that I won’t be able to attend this one as I will be away this weekend, but definitely keeping my fingers crossed that more of these events come along soon.

Here is the Facebook event as well: https://www.facebook.com/#!/events/529649943743837/


You might remember the previous post about Mary’s living and giving shop…

In a sea of decorative antiques

So we haven’t quite finished obsessing about Christique, because like I told you – the shop is like wonderland where behind every corner another beautiful piece awaits you!  So I thought that the most appropriate way of exploring the next section of the shop is to just dive head first right in and enjoy these beauties:

I have really started loving antique sculptures more and more lately, and this stunning bird taking off is such an impressive piece!


This sculpture is also a favourite!


There are so many ways of making a room look brand new – one of them in stacking your books differently and alternating the look of shelves by letting some stand up and some lie down.  Obviously go for the classics by for example letting Charles Dickens into your home.

I just love everything about this shop: even the garden in the back is so well decorated – simple elegance, my favourite!

I absolutely love chandeliers but it has to be the right design or they can end up looking cheap.  The selection in Christique is perfect – everything from the design to the condition of the chandeliers… we love…!


I am always torn between two ways of hanging paintings: letting one big painting take up a whole wall, or finding a wide array of paintings and mixing to my heart’s content.  The ones above compliment each other so well that I would love to have this in a staircase at home.

Isn’t this like straight from a countryside living room?  Love the neutral colours chosen by this trader, who I seem to recall is also an interior designer.


Love the contrasts between the faded old news paper and the bright pink bow!

These little guys wanted to make an appearance on the blog – obviously I couldn’t say no!

Towards the other end of the shop we get to admire some beautiful, happy spring colours…


Hello Alice – we are bringing our own crockery to the tea party!

My dream is to have a gorgeous range of teacups and saucers one day, instead of a whole set.  Wouldn’t that just make the prettiest tea party?  They would of course be antique and vintage!

Oh I do hope you have enjoyed today’s post!  We still have two rooms left to explore in Christique’s and I can promise you that it will be something to look forward to.  If you ever run out of ideas for presents on Father’s Day for example, a few pretty good ideas will be coming up soon!

Thanks for popping by and I would love to hear your thoughts on the post.  Are you getting an urge to go antique shopping for your home?  Anything you would like to see more of; crockery / furniture etc?