London in the grip of The Great Gatsby-fever

Right now London is dwelling in the most wonderful Great Gatsby obsession, excitedly awaiting the premier next week!  The windows of both Harrods and Tiffany’s are decorated so beautifully with pearls, flapper dresses, amazing 20s hairstyles, glitter and glamour:

Harrods stunning window displays ahead of The Great Gatsby premier next week

Flapper dresses and the famous 1920s bob  

We are dreaming away in this ocean of gorgeous jewellery – someone throw a 1920s themed party please!

Feathers, sequins, stunning fabrics… what more can a girl ask for?

The accessories are just divine in the window displays at the moment…

As you might already know,  Tiffany & Co has designed Daisy’s jewellery collection for the movie and I am hoping to be able to write a post about it next week… let’s be patient for now and make do with a sneak peek in their New Bond Street window:

A preview of Tiffany’s Great Gatsby collection – hoping to show you some more next week!

I just finished reading the book a second time, and if you haven’t yet read it I would warmly recommend that you do before watching the movie.  Fitzgerald’s use of language is so beautiful and the book gives a wonderful illustration of life during the Roaring Twenties in the US.

So I think you should get a bunch of girlfriends together, get dressed up in your favourite dress, put on some vintage jewellery and  go and watch the movie once it comes out!

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