Learning the secrets of a digital camera

This weekend I finally went on a photography course, which I have been wanting to do for so long!

If you have an SLR camera I would warmly recommend that you do a course where you really get an understanding of the basics.  I spent 7 hours getting to know my camera even better and it was time very well spent, as all those intimidating technical terms and techniques suddenly made so much more sense.

The place where we went for lunch was right next to an antique/second hand furniture shop – yei! – so we went there to practice depth of field, which was obviously the perfect exercise for me!

Practicing depth of field


I found myself zooming in on jewellery by pure auto pilot!

We learnt about the importance of light and how to manipulate it for lovely photos

Shutter speed exercise – straight from Cirque de Soleil!

So if you are looking to do a course I would recommend the Digital SLR Photography Courses, which is close to Wimbledon.  An intense 7 hours, but hearing the expressions over and over again during that time, and getting to practice the different techniques really makes them stick.

I am now looking forward to showering you with even more beautiful pictures of jewellery!

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