Coro Earrings

A pair of green and gold Coro earrings from the 50’s – costume jewellery

Glamourous little darlings they are indeed

Okay so there is no time like the present to obsess about these Coro earrings – goodness me aren’t they pretty?  Perfect for that Saturday night party or just to bring some glamour into a work outfit.  They are clip on earrings, like many pieces from back in the days – how very retro indeed!

And a bit of history never hurt anyone: Coro was established in 1901 by Emanuel Cohn and Carl Rosenberg.  As it was one of the largets costume jewellery companies back in the days they had tons of great designers working for them during their careers, so you will find that pieces can be very varied in style.  The company finally came to an end in 1979.

I hope you enjoyed them – I will be selling them eventually so you can always give me a shout if you love them dearly!

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