Swedish Elegance

So I am in Sweden at the moment and with my power chord left behind I am not able to put up any photos, but if you bear with me I have some wonderful shots to put up next week!  I am off to browse through some shops now and hopefully find a few treasures.  It is very different to be looking around back here compared to London, but I am hoping to find some really lovely pieces very soon.  Happy Summer to you!

Black and Silver 1960s Earrings

1960’s black and silver earrings – costume jewellery

1960’s earrings – perfect with that messy hairstyle

These pretty 1960’s earrings are so versatile and I would totally wear them like I do here: with a cute and messy ponytail and a black cocktail dress.  I love mixing styles to really make the look my own – I hope you like them!

And also, I am off to Sweden today and I can’t wait to go to loads of vintage shops and hopefully scout through antique markets and find some amazingly pretty things to show you!

1920s Glorious Earrings

Portobello Market – 1920’s earrings

I would like to show you these lovely ones again, since they are such a pretty complement to the necklace in the previous post.  Isn’t the style just to so lovely and something that doesn’t seem to go out of style at all?  These are almost 100 years old and still I wouldn’t hesitate to wear them with more or less anything in my wardrobe.

Also, buying vintage and antique jewellery is a wonderful way of recycling and helping the planet – oh yes I can go on about this for a looong long time, but I won’t!  Instead of buying a pair of high street earrings that you will get sick of in a year’s time, invest in these types of little pretties and you will see how good it makes you feel.  Go vintage!

1920s Sparkling Necklace

1920’s necklace – costume jewellery

This necklace is from Portobello Market – you might remember it from an earlier post where it was featuring with a sweet little kitty.  As you can probably tell I absolutely love 1920’s style jewellery, and this one is no exception!

It can be worn with small sparkling studs – or something more extravagant if you have a special event coming up.  It rests so nicely on your collarbone and shimmers and sparkles, especially in candle light – which is often the case with vintage jewellery and what makes it so special.

Coro Earrings

A pair of green and gold Coro earrings from the 50’s – costume jewellery

Glamourous little darlings they are indeed

Okay so there is no time like the present to obsess about these Coro earrings – goodness me aren’t they pretty?  Perfect for that Saturday night party or just to bring some glamour into a work outfit.  They are clip on earrings, like many pieces from back in the days – how very retro indeed!

And a bit of history never hurt anyone: Coro was established in 1901 by Emanuel Cohn and Carl Rosenberg.  As it was one of the largets costume jewellery companies back in the days they had tons of great designers working for them during their careers, so you will find that pieces can be very varied in style.  The company finally came to an end in 1979.

I hope you enjoyed them – I will be selling them eventually so you can always give me a shout if you love them dearly!

Portobello Market is always a good idea



Sparkling 1920’s earrings from the charming Portobello Market


An unexpected admirer of this lovely vintage necklace


Going to Portobello Market is like hopping into the rabbit hole – you never know what – or who – you will run into!

Trinkets of all kinds – including the ones you didn’t know you needed until you first see them.

Aren’t old school mannequins just the most elegant things?  I want to get my hands on a few that I can use for fabulous modelling of my pieces – hmm… I wonder where I can find them?

Yes, I bought the most beautiful little bracelet from this stand and will make sure to put it up for you to see – and maybe take home if you love it enough!

I hope you enjoyed this little trip to the market with me.  There will be plenty more to come and I will add the pieces I bought here very soon.  Thanks for popping by!

Pearls on a Midsummer Fairy


Braids and pearls complement each other so well, especially when coupled up with a simple summer dress.

The vintage pearl necklace has simply been entwined into a half up-half down hairdo – just make sure you secure the necklace with some hairpins so you don’t lose it on the dance floor.  A casual yet elegant look, which any midsummer fairy would be delighted to promote!

Fabulous 50’s Sparkle

Ladies – I picked up these beautiful earrings last weekend.  Black and silver, costume jewellery so no precious stones and yet they cannot wait to sparkle and shine in the sunlight!  Perfect for that LBD you have hanging in your wardrobe for the next dinner party / engagement party / fabulous date… you name it!


A flare of the 70’s

Hand painted earrings and plate from Finland in the 1970’s  

I love these little fellows – they were painted by my grandmother in the 70’s and I am so happy to be able to decorate my window with the plate and myself with the earrings.  Good choice of colours grandma’ – they are all my favourites!